
Showing posts from 2018

Buy An Existing Business or Start From Scratch? Which To Choose?

Buy An Existing Business or Start from Scratch? December 21, 2018  by  Michael Shea PA So you want to own a business. The freedom, autonomy, and rewards are attractive. So where do you start? You can start a  side hustle , buy a  franchise , or buy an  existing business.  With so many options available to you how do you know which to choose and what are the pros and cons? As a broker, I have seen each of these options play out both positively and negatively.  The side hustle allows you to hedge risk and make some money “on the side” but the time it takes to scale to actual “business” status is long.  Franchises bring proven processes, resources, and often brand power.  It requires more capital and you need to be comfortable with the restrictions and ongoing costs associated with being in “partnership” with a master franchisor. Finally, the one I think represents the best opportunity on many levels is the purchase of an existing business...

Taking Charge - Hiring The Right Team & Leading Is Critical


Step 1 to Buying A Business In Florida with Michael Shea of Transworld B...


Buyers Are Liars? Is It True?

Buyers Are Liars? Is it True December 6, 2018  by  Michael Shea PA   (Edit) In the business brokerage market, there is a hushed phrase the wise old brokers bandy about behind closed doors: “Buyers Are Liars”. Like many euphemisms, there is a ring of truth to this saying.  So how and why does this perception exist?  At its core, it comes from education or the lack thereof.  The lexicon that most buyers use when looking at the business buying market is their experience in Real Estate. Whether it be commercial or residential the comparison to the business sales or mergers and acquisitions market is problematic. First here in Florida over 95% of the business transactions do not involve the sale of real property and a large component does not even involve the transfer of a lease.  Secondarily, Buyers have to keep in mind that regardless of market conditions, unlike real estate where the market switches between a “buyer’s” or “seller’s” market...

The Uncomfortable Truth of Education for Entrepreneurship

The Uncomfortable Truth of Education Published on November 30, 2018  Edit article  View stats Michael Shea PA Status is online Michael Shea PA Board Certified Intermediary at Transworld Business Advisors,Mergers & Acquis ...  See more 25 articles Like 0 Comment 0 0 If your over 40 I am sure you have seen the movie starring Rodney Dangerfield called "Back to School". In the film, Dangerfield plays Thornton Melon a self-made millionaire who decides to 'enroll' at his sons' university. I love this film and the humor of Dangerfield but the nuanced humor of the ever man dropped into the "snobby university" with the elitist (complete with British accent) professor who looks down his nose on the crude street hustler. The picture above is of Melon in an Economics class schooling a professor on how real startups are done. Take note of the kids in the back....hungry business majors hanging on every word of t...

Some insights from a Podcast I was recently a guest on called the Real Deal

So several weeks ago I was a guest on a podcast with the International Business Brokers Association / IBBA.  On the show, there were three Brokers who collectively have about 60 some odd years of business brokerage experience.  It was an interesting conversation and you get here our insights and perspectives on deals without any agenda.  Take a moment to listen.  Listen Here

Does Your Business Broker Co -Broker

One of the more popular small businesses bought and sold here in the Central Florida Market are pool routes and businesses. To the outsider, the business seems simple enough. You clean a pool, add some chemicals and're done. At a macro level that is correct but I thought I would provide some insights having sold over 50 of these things in the last 12 years that a novice or first time buyer may find of interest. And lets face it there is some self interest in this....I want you to be successful and educated in this process and I also do not want all the space left to the powers that be who put out rules of thumb as if it is Gospel. So here in short are my bullet point items of information for you to ponder and chew on. If you want to view current listings of businesses for sale in the pool service vertical visit my  site  . Hope these tips give you something to chew on as you analyze this space.

Some General Info on Buying A Lawn Service Here In Orlando and Kissimmee

So after 15 years in this business of selling businesses I thought with the age of digital information I would start putting out some content that gave practical information for buyers and in a way sellers. Today I will give a quick 15 or 20 minutes of insight into some of the critical information pieces buyers of lawn services need to know when considering a business. This is in no way all encompassing but will give you somewhat of a highlight on what i think is a really good industry and great way to own your own business here in Orlando, Florida. My perspective comes not only as a broker but as one who actually owned one and scaled it from 150k to 4 Million in revenues. So listen up and as always feel free to give me a call at 321-287-0349 or email me at 

Orlando Business Broker Morning Vlog


Cash Reporting and Not Reporting Cash in your Small Business

So very very important for business owners to listen closely here.  Not reporting cash revenue will more than likely render your business unsellable.  There are smarter tax strategies that can be applied to mitigating taxes in your small business

Orlando Business Broker Michael Shea

Good Morning Orlando just a quick 10-minute blast on what traits I think make a business valuable and sustainable. If you are thinking of selling your business give me a call at 321 287 0349 or visit my website 

Some ESOP Fables Debunked

SOME ESOP FABLES – DEBUNKED Since 1974 when Congress first created the tax incentives for employees to become shareholders with the creation of Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP), nearly 14 million employees own stock in over 7,000 companies through ESOPs.  It ranges from companies as large as Publix Supermarkets with over 190,000 employees to relatively small companies with just $1 million in annual payroll. Despite the growing popularity of ESOPs and the significant tax advantages many misconceptions exist so it’s difficult for a business owner to make an informed decision about setting up an ESOP for their company, and its employees.  Let me attempt to dispel ten common misconceptions, or fables, about ESOPs. ESOP Fable #1:   It would be easier just to sell my company to a third party . Business owners frequently hold the belief that “When the time comes to retire, I will just sell my company to an interested buyer.” As if that’s all there is to it....

Want to Start Your Own Home Based Business - A Guide for Consultants

Want to Start Your Own Home-Based Business? | A Guide for Consultants Owning a business is the dream of many. Making it a reality takes a lot of work, but the end result of having your own startup can be one of life's greatest rewards. Here's what you need to know to realize your goals for a home-based business. Staying Productive Especially when starting out, many new entrepreneurs opt to work from home. Working from home sounds like fun, but you may undermine your productivity without the right environment. You may have little children who love nothing more than having your attention. There might be always be something to watch on television. Keeping yourself away from distractions will be necessary to maintain productivity. A home office could be the ideal solution. Choose a space that has ample natural lighting, fill your office with everything your business needs to run, and make sure that what you invest in is high-quality. Support your efforts by maki...

Wally's Liqours "Orlando's Bar"

So another Icon Establishment has transitioned...what a great story and business. If you were a resident of the City Beautiful  / Orlando you know this place.  PBR's and stiff drinks....and the whole gamut of our populace was welcome there. Hat Tip to the Family and Crew of Wally's . What a Great Run

Buying A Business In Florida

Buying a Business in Florida is slightly different from the process you encounter in many other locations. The amount of information available out there regarding buying a business is legion. But, as in most things local dynamics play a large part in dictating success or failure in navigating the process. So why is Florida different....well here in Florida there is a vibrant co-brokering community and a Business MLS system you can accesss through my site or the acutal business MLS located here  .  Lets face it most folks look to a search engine to drive their initial inquiries....that can be dangerous as he who pays gets first position.  So in an effort to help you navigate the Florida Co - Brokering Model and give you a bit of the "how the sausage gets made" perspective I did this little youtube video. Check it out....Get Smart and Good Luck

Buying A Vacation Rental Management Company in Orlando Florida


Four Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Business

The Four Mistakes Sellers Make When Selling Their Business August 9, 2018  by  Michael Shea PA   (Edit) TOP FOUR MISTAKES BUSINESS OWNERS MAKE WHEN TRANSITIONING A BUSINESS At some point, nearly every business owner faces a business transition. The 3 D’s are inevitable: Death, Divorce, Divestiture. As the business often represents the single largest asset on many owners’ personal balance sheets, its value can represent a lifetime of focus, energy, and work. While every owner, business, and transition is unique, there are four common mistakes that we see business owners make when trying to transition their business, whether it’s a sale or passing it on to family or to employees. Mistake #1: Not understanding after-tax cash flow needs for retirement When weighing the complex topic of transition and exit planning, many owners focus more heavily on receiving liquidity (or a headline transaction value) as a result of the transition, but not necessarily on how t...