List your business or Sell your Business

Lister or Seller…what kind of business broker do you choose?

Confucius said “Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it.” This applies to business as well as art, and the other disciplines. So when I read that quote I thought of the beauty in my own profession and how and why I appreciate certain aspects of high performing professionals.
IF any of you have seen the movie “The Wolf of Wall Street” there is a scene where the main character makes a cold call sale in a room of his peers that are frankly mediocre. What the witness is beauty in motion. They all stop what they are doing and are mesmerized by the ability of the man to capture a clients attention and more importantly close the sale.
Now in no way do i applaud the behavior of the penny stock pumpers of the 80’s and 90’s…..frankly I find them to be the lowest of the low but one can with proper perspective appreciate the talent and beauty of the moment where he was able to captivate and create value in the mind of the consumer or buyer.
So…I ask you….when choosing to sell your business are you looking for the skills of a sales professional when you make your choice of brokerage to manage and close the biggest transaction of your life?


  1. Selling a Business is about trust and transparency and solving a problem for the buyer and the seller


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