
Showing posts from March, 2020

Young Entreprenuers: Something All Business Owners Should Listen To


Business Owners listen up this quick video on how to create an e-commerc...

Way back in 2018 I did this video on setting up a ecommerce site to augment your retail footprint....the #coronavirus makes this all the more appropriate than ever.....get a digital platform imagine what your business would look like if you had this in position

Social Media Tip of The Day

My social media tip of the day...make sure you just dont create content on youtube but that you take the time to use the hashtags and set the location and tie it back to your googlemybusiness and webpage. People find you and your page by the locations as much as the content folks

Orlando Business Broker Shares the Upside of Corona If Positioned Right

So there are some predictable things that are gonna happen shortly.  Lets see who learned lessons from the recession and who did not.

Listing for Commercial Lawn Business For Sale 2301418876


Lighting Distribution & Installation Business For Sale


New Distribution Business For Sale


New Distribution Business For Sale


Social Media Tip of The Day From Your Orlando Business Broker


Keep Calm and Small Business On


Transworld Business Advisors - Hiring a Broker


Orlando Business Broker Offers Tips On Bridging the Covid-19 Crisis

Small Business Survival During Emergencies – Build a simple BRIDGE plan to recovery! The current Covid-19 response and its effects on the economy will no doubt be challenging to everyone.    None more than small business and their employees, but we have been here before.  Just as we weathered 9/11, hurricanes, economic downturns we can work together to survive this. The good news is that this will be temporary, although it may be very trying, the economy should rebound rather quickly once activities normalize .    Realizing this could be several weeks to several months, the best bet it to implement a strategy right now! Here is a simple plan to help get to better days.    We have decided to call it the BRIDGE plan. BREAK EVEN ANALYSIS and BURN RATE – Immediately chart out your monthly expenses and come up with a break-even analysis.    List all your fixed and variable costs and understand how much revenue you need to break e...

Buying and Selling Vacation Rental Property Management