
Showing posts from September, 2018

Cash Reporting and Not Reporting Cash in your Small Business

So very very important for business owners to listen closely here.  Not reporting cash revenue will more than likely render your business unsellable.  There are smarter tax strategies that can be applied to mitigating taxes in your small business

Orlando Business Broker Michael Shea

Good Morning Orlando just a quick 10-minute blast on what traits I think make a business valuable and sustainable. If you are thinking of selling your business give me a call at 321 287 0349 or visit my website 

Some ESOP Fables Debunked

SOME ESOP FABLES – DEBUNKED Since 1974 when Congress first created the tax incentives for employees to become shareholders with the creation of Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP), nearly 14 million employees own stock in over 7,000 companies through ESOPs.  It ranges from companies as large as Publix Supermarkets with over 190,000 employees to relatively small companies with just $1 million in annual payroll. Despite the growing popularity of ESOPs and the significant tax advantages many misconceptions exist so it’s difficult for a business owner to make an informed decision about setting up an ESOP for their company, and its employees.  Let me attempt to dispel ten common misconceptions, or fables, about ESOPs. ESOP Fable #1:   It would be easier just to sell my company to a third party . Business owners frequently hold the belief that “When the time comes to retire, I will just sell my company to an interested buyer.” As if that’s all there is to it....

Want to Start Your Own Home Based Business - A Guide for Consultants

Want to Start Your Own Home-Based Business? | A Guide for Consultants Owning a business is the dream of many. Making it a reality takes a lot of work, but the end result of having your own startup can be one of life's greatest rewards. Here's what you need to know to realize your goals for a home-based business. Staying Productive Especially when starting out, many new entrepreneurs opt to work from home. Working from home sounds like fun, but you may undermine your productivity without the right environment. You may have little children who love nothing more than having your attention. There might be always be something to watch on television. Keeping yourself away from distractions will be necessary to maintain productivity. A home office could be the ideal solution. Choose a space that has ample natural lighting, fill your office with everything your business needs to run, and make sure that what you invest in is high-quality. Support your efforts by maki...